Design, Supply, Installation, and Maintenance of Sound and Film Projection Equipment


Even the best material, placed in a perfectly designed system, will not give the best results if it is not properly calibrated.
Also, the film industry imposes very specific parameters regarding both projection and sound, which must be complied with.
This implies having the best equipment, skills, and experience needed.
At the end of each installation, Digitronic Service performs an accurate calibration, filling in and delivering to the customer a test report proving the result and compliance of the installation with the film industry standards.


Digitronic Service - Strada Daniele Luigi - Via I Maggio, 12 31035 Crocetta del Montello (TV) - Italy - F.C. STRDLL61R11F205B - VAT 04480240268 - Phone: +39 348 4125025 - Email: