Design, Supply, Installation, and Maintenance of Sound and Film Projection Equipment


The transition to digital has drastically changed the way we carry out equipment servicing and maintenance.
The old mechanical systems warned projectionists beforehand with noise and/or malfunction that left time to react without having to stop projections.

The new systems are built with very sophisticated electronics, almost always based on computers and software, and even minor malfunctions almost always cause stops of projections.
Fortunately, electronics allows to monitor various operating parameters (software versions, temperatures, fan rpm, etc.), which can therefore also be analyzed in real time and even remotely and detectable by alarms generated and sent by e-mail within a few seconds.

This, together with planning of on-site visits at regular intervals, can prevent and minimize the risk of projection stops.
Digitronic Service firstly ensures total availability (24/7); the link from remote of equipment allows verifying and solving most of the problems without the need to act on the spot.
Real-time monitoring of the equipment, implemented in collaboration with DIGIMA finally allows highlighting and preventing any malfunction, before it causes projection stops.


Digitronic Service - Strada Daniele Luigi - Via I Maggio, 12 31035 Crocetta del Montello (TV) - Italy - F.C. STRDLL61R11F205B - VAT 04480240268 - Phone: +39 348 4125025 - Email: